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| Monday, November 29, 2010 @ 12:40 AM Question 8: What are the impacts of globalization on the Net? Globalization, a term that been discussed for years. Globalization can be defined as “the intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across borders.” Countries all around the world, wishes to have connection with each other. Distances will not be a problem for us anymore. Countries linked with each other and shares ideas with each other. Evidence of globalization is seen in our daily lives. We are being influenced by the on rush of economic and ecological forces that demand integration and uniformity and that mesmerize the world with fast music, fast computers and fast food with MTV, Macintosh and McDonald’s, pressing nations into one commercially homogeneous global network: one Mc world tied together by technology, ecology, communication, and commerce. Technology is perhaps the most visible aspect of globalization and in many ways its driving force. Communication technology has revolutionized our information systems. Globalization tends to be most perceptible and observable in almost every facet of life mainly due to the emergence of internet technology. The internet technology is globally integrating and amalgamating the people of the world. The advent of the Internet in its unquantifiable shape and form has over the past decade provided a common platform upon which countries from all corners of the Earth are able to communicate and share information. Despite of the widespread usage and availability of new technology, the issue been brought to the forefront of the debate between advocates on both sides of the globalization aisle. (Socyberty.com,2010) The globalization on the net makes our life easier. No matter in social or business. The globalization on the internet linked people all around the world. This bonds our relationships together. We get closer to each other although the actual distance is far. Everyone become closer and shares whatever information on the internet. With globalization, we can able to know more news around the world, learn from each other. People can jump out of the box, looking for the information that others than what we have in our own countries. The internet globalization can widen one’s eyesight, what we have in our world is not enough for us; we have to explore for much knowledge through the internet. In social way, we can connect with people all around the world, knowing each other. Internet globalization makes our life more interesting. We can communicate with friends from different countries. We are sharing ideas, learning others’ cultures. We may not know each other’s in real life, but globalization in the internet linked us and us able to know about others. There are many social networking sites (SNS) available on the internet and it gathers the users from different places in the world, and SNS serves as a platform for us to communicate and exchange information. This makes our social circle become bigger, not only includes the friends around us, but globally. We can know what happen in others countries in a faster and easier way. In business, the globalization of the internet provides a big opportunity in promoting our business to others country. People not only can promote his business in local, but also globally through internet, to let other know about the products. The globalization in the internet provides chances for us to have customers in others countries. Today there are so many people promote their products through online rather than open a shop and this makes online shopping become a trend. The globalization on the internet enables the business reached international stage. In a nutshell, the globalization on the net makes people around the world become closer. We are not only living in our own country, know about everything happen in our own surrounding only, but we can also jump out of box, we know everything happen in every corner of the world. (626 words) @ 12:39 AM Question 7: Should journalists be free from constraints and law in order to ensure that their articles are objective and fair? Journalist is profession for broadcast or publication in mass media, such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, documentary film, and the internet. Reporters are one type of journalist. Reporters find sources for their works, their reports can be rather spoken or written, and they are often expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve public good.(Wikipedia.org,2010) Journalist has rights and freedom to report and make announcement of the news but there will definitely be some constrain for the journalist to report the news. In most of the country, there is some news that was constrained by the government. As refer to 2010 World Press Freedom Index, Malaysia has dropped 10 places, which is from ranked 131 dropping into 141, the lowest in 9 years. The index involved a total of 178 countries. (MalaysiaToday.com,2010) The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by reporters without borders based upon the organization’s assessment of their press freedom records. It reflects the degree of freedom journalists and news organizations enjoy in each country, and the efforts made by the state to respect and ensure respect for this freedom. (hartsBin.com, 2010) This shown that the freedom of journalist in Malaysia has been constrained by government. Federal government has attributed several measures to suppress media voice. In my point of view, I think that journalist should not be free from constrain and law. This is to ensure that the articles that reported by them are objectively and fair. Journalist should have responsible on what has been written by them. If their reports are found out that is untruth, they might be punish by law. This is the obligation of journalist. Journalist should not be free from constrain and law due to it might cause violation of personal privacy. Personal privacy is important to the society, people may not feel secure if their privacy is been exposed. If there is not law that constrain journalist in reporting news, they might violation of other’s people privacy in order to get the information that they want. This is unfair to the person and it might hurt the feeling of the people if their personal information is been disclosure. Journalist should not be free from constrain and law due to the objectively and fair on reporting news. Journalist should not bias, stereotype or add their own opinion in their news. Somehow, there are some of the people that willing to pay the journalist to report some untrue news or asking them to edit the contents of the news. In this way, journalist also would not deliberately write out something that is untruth of a person on news. Nevertheless, the articles still to be trusted due to the legal restriction on journalist. As conclusion, journalist should have freedom in reporting news, but they should not be free from constrain and law. This is to protect the society and to control the journalist in order to reporting something that is truth. This is the obligation of journalist. There are constraints and laws occur in every obligation itself. As responsible to their obligation, they need to follow the constrains and laws in their industry. (529 words) @ 12:37 AM Question 4: Is web content protected by copyright laws or can it be considered as public domain information? Copyright is a form of protection that used to protect the authors of ‘original works of authorship, such as literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works’. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works, regardless of the nationally and domicile of the author. If anyone is violate any of the rights that provided by copyrighted law to the owner of the copyright is considered as unlawful (Copyright.com, 2010). The one who are break the copyright law is because of the people are copy others works without permission of others, so called plagiarism. Formally, plagiarism is defined as quoting text from another author without indicia of quotation and a proper bibliographic citation. To do a proper bibliographic citation, it must contain the author’s name and enough information about the source of information, so that the reader can always refer back to the original text. For the citation from a webpage, the author’s name and the address of the webpage must be provided (Ronald B. Standler, 1997). Public domain can be defined as consisting of works that are ineligible for copyright protection or the work which are hold an expired copyrights. Besides, it also refers to the total absence of copyright protection for work, means that the information that referred to as intellectual property that are not owned or controlled by anyone. There are no any permission is needed to copy or use the public domain works, it is available for anyone to use it for any purpose. Besides, public domain works can also be copied and distributed without any permission or paying royalties. Works become part of the public domain when the author placed its works in the public domain, and more common is the expiration of the copyrightor work is not owned by original author, when the work reach a certain age, or the author does not renew their copyright. Instead of that, the works that were created before the copyright law are considered as public domain as well (Dusan Bicanski, 2009). Next, we will discuss about is the web content protected by copyright laws or can it be considered as public domain information. Basically, the content in the web can be belong to copyright law and public domain, it is just according to the author whether have they go and apply the copyright or not. Once a people post something online, they can decide whether they want to apply a copyright so that others cannot copy their works or they can open their woks as public domain so that others can use and copy it without permission. The process of applying a copyright for your article is very easy, following are the few step to complete it. Firstly, author need to proceed to the United States Copyright Office webpage to download the Form CO. The form totally have eight pages , in the first page, author need to place an “X” on the box representing the work that he wants to copyright in section, then place the work’s title in the big box. If they’re copyrighting a series of works, they need to list down their work’s volume, number, issue, ISSN, and frequency of publication. Next, they need to fill up another title if there are any. Besides, the year that they completed their work and the publication information is needed when they fill up the form After that, when they are move to page two, they need to provide their personal or business information such as author’s birth year, their citizenship, residency and contribution information. Instead of that, they also need to place the creator’s mode of cooperation and specify what the author contributed. If they are applying for a copyright for another person, they need to repeat this step in page three. Next page, page four, is to identify what material isn’t going to be a part of the copyright application to list their registrations and also to list additional items that are to be covered by copyright; this is if you’re applying for a previously copyrighted work that has new material in it. Then, page five is to identify the person that’ll grant the rights for others to use the copyrighted material. Complete page six with provide point of contact information for the person that’ll receive mail and communication related to the copyright application. Designate who’s going to receive the copyright certificate, then place their information in page seven. Provide signature in page eight to certify that this application contains truthful information (eHow Contributor, 2008). With complete all these eight pages of form, the process of apply a copyright is completed. As a conclusion, the content of the web is protected by the copyright law if the author had applied the copyright for their works and in the other hands, their works will be belong to public domain and public can view, use or copy their works without any permission. To determined whether the article have the copyright or not, public can identify from few things, which is the symbol © (the letter C in a circle), the word “Copyright” or the abbreviation “Copr.”, the year when the work was first created, and the name of the owner of the copyright. Example of a copyrighted works is © 2005 John Doe (Copyright.com, 2005). Public should able to identify whether the article is being protected by copyright law or not before they use other’s works. (901 Words) @ 12:36 AM Question 3: The Internet is a place where hate groups come to inhabit. Discuss with relevant examples. There are four types of crimes and social concerns on the internet, which are violence, pornography, social movements and activism, and hate crime. Hate crime is any criminal offence that is motivated by bias opinion, hostility and prejudice based upon to the victim’s. Nowadays, the internet has become a place that hate groups have come to inhabit in order to advertise and to use it to attack the group they target. Why the internet has become a place where hate group gather? The first reason is the identity on the Internet is flexible, it means that the internet user can use fake identity or different identity on the internet for surfing the internet. For hate group members, they can use fake identity which is different than in real life to attack the person who they hate, they no need care about how about other see on them, because they are using fake identity, so no people will know who are them is real life. Therefore, they can voice out whatever they feel on the victims and they will not feel shame on their action. Next, on Internet, it is offers equalization of status. It means that, no one will care who you are on internet, although you are public figures. They will judge you by your skin color, race, status, occupation and others. For example, in United States there happen racist anti-black. Then, they create a hate group for discuss their target and even attack them by some rude word. The hate group member judges them by skin color, and don’t care who they are and where are they come from. Besides that, the internet also allows for loose self boundaries. Nobody control the internet and the users, thus the users can behave like what they want and want to do. Nobody control the hate group, so group members have behaved like what their view to their target and just voice it out. For example, the sexual orientation hate group members just voice out their unlikely feeling on the internet hate group, because nobody control it. They can voice out what they want to say and what they like. Nowadays, many people have relied on the internet already. Some of them cannot live without computer and internet. This can prove that our life is related with the internet. People are more likely to share their feeling on the internet more than on real life. Therefore, internet is a place to let them voice up their feeling, who they hate, why they hate and others. In this place, they also can find some people who have same feeling with them and they can be together sharing their point of view together. For example, the person is not really want to share with her friend what is her point of view to the disable people, because she scare her friend will feel shame on her because she do not have sympathy on disable people. But, on the internet, she can just share everything about what her point of view to disable people, because in the group, everyone also has the same target with her. There are four main types of hate crime on the internet, which are including disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, and transgender. Disability hate crime is a criminal offence motivated by prejudice or bias opinion towards a person because of their disability. For example, there are some disability hate group on internet attack the victim because they think that disabled people bringing many inconvenient to them in real life and some of them think that they are useless too. Religious hate crime is criminal offence motivated by prejudice towards the people because of their religion and beliefs. For example, a group of people created a hate group named “Anti Islamic” on internet. In this group, all the members are dislike the people who believes to Islam and discuss some relevant topics based on Islam practice and attack the religious and people in the group. A lot of people will think that their own religious is the best religion, they anti other religion and prejudice other is worse than them. (Anon, 2010) Besides that, sexual orientation hate crime is criminal offence motivated by prejudice towards a person because of their sexual orientation which is including gay and lesbian. For example, there are many hate group is about ‘Anti gay and lesbian”, some of the people will attack the identity of the people such as gay should not appear in this world. They will think that the gay and lesbian is different than normal people, they cannot accept them be a part or friend to them, so there are many hate group on internet to discuss sexual orientation this topic. Lastly, transgender hate crime is the people hate and prejudice to a person based on their gender such as transgender. They cannot accept them be a part of normal people, they think that they are different of them. For example, in transgender hate group, the members said that transgender not like girl and not like boy, they should not live in this world. They cannot accept that the people change their sexual. At a conclusion, all people have the human right, and we cannot prejudice to the people by their special identity and hate them someone attack them because they are different from normal people. In this world, all people is the same. (903 words) @ 12:35 AM Question 2: Should parents allow children under the age of 12 to go on the Internet without adult supervision? Discuss. The growth of technology has changed our lives dramatically. In the past 30 years, computer was viewed as a luxury product or it may not exist in our lifetime. Today, computer is widely used in businesses, homes, schools, libraries, and even airports. The World Wide Web provides instant access to various types of services such as news, reference information, shopping, travel information and other services. The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions and individuals. Unfortunately, criminals are also using modern technology. (ojp.usdoj.gov,2001) In my point of view, I think that parents should not allow their children under the age of 12 to go on internet without supervision from them. This is because there are a number of afraid of thing when they are go on the internet by them. Children who are under the age of 12 do not recognize what is right or wrong. Parent should be supervision them and give advice to their children when they are go on the internet. Pornography is one of the biggest fears that parents should concern on it. In the internet there are a lot of unwelcomed presence of pornography and graphic photos, videos and images of a sexual nature. Internet have abounds of information of this type and it become one of the biggest hurdles to overcome when it comes to their children when they are using internet. Parents should accompany their children when they are using internet. This is to avoid and protecting them from information they likely not yet able to handle at their ages. Parents should supervision their children when they go on the internet. This is because there is a lot of false information that may influence their thought. Everyone has freedom to say anything they want online. Basically, people will just post on something that is obviously positive viewpoint. Somehow, there are some of the people likes to posts something which is negative, racist, and derogatory viewpoints online. This may affect their children when they go on internet and accidently found out this kind of information. Children were not able to know how to recognize and point out that there was false information. So, parent should be supervision them when their children go on internet. Further more, online bullying is also a big issue to the children that using internet. When a child is been intimidated, annoyed or harassed when they go on internet, it brings a long lasting negative impact on their life and well-being of the children. There was an extremely bad record of the online harassment on the internet in an indefinite period of time. It is impossible to remove such violations in the internet. The only way and the best way to overcome and protect their children is supervision them when they go on internet. Last but not least, online gambling is also another fear that parents should concern on it. There are a lot of online games in the internet. Mostly, most of the games that play by children are harmless or mini games. But, there are many fears that the progression from harmless video games to online gambling is just too simple. Once their children are addicted to online gambling, it’s hard for them to stop gambling. Therefore, parent needs to be more closely regulated when their children is go on internet. (socialmediaschool,com,2009) As a conclusion, internet brings a lot of convenience to our live. But there are a number of things to be afraid when it comes to children when they are go on the internet. Parents should supervision their children when they are go on internet. This is the best way to protect their children. (617 words) @ 12:34 AM Question 1: Discuss the impact of the virtual communication in the dynamics and structure of real life community. What is the meaning of virtual community? Virtual community can be define as a social network of individuals who interact through certain media and at the same time crossing over geographical and political boundaries in order to achieve and pursue mutual interests of goals. It is means that an individual who using certain media such as cell phone or internet to reach their goals like share their feeling and opinion, to make new friends, to get information, or etc. Virtual communities are distinguished from many face-to-face communities by several factors, whose are open boundaries, relative anonymity of computer-mediated interaction, and possibility of great social diversity. Open boundaries means that there are no limitation in the virtual community, everybody can come together to get what they want without anybody care about where they come from and they can get any information or having interaction with people who is comes from others country. Relative anonymity of compute-mediated mean that people in the virtual world do not care about how you look like, while possibility of great social diversity means that people are more willing to accept you in the virtual world and there do not have any grouping such as racial, religion, gender and many others. In the others hand, real life is a world that have boundaries, as an examples, people who live in Malaysia can only interact with Malaysian. Next, people in the real life will easily grouping people into different categories based on how a person look like, their racial, gender, religions or even their hair color. Since the differences between virtual communities and real life are existence, the communications of people in the virtual world will bring the impacts to the dynamics and structure of real life. Basically it can be divided into two types which is the positive and the negative of impact. First of all, we discuss about the positive impact. Since the freedom of expression is more ‘popular’ in the virtual life and people are more willing to share in the virtual world, it caused an impact to our real life. People are used to be say whatever they want to say in the virtual world, so when they are coming back to the real life, it become a habit for them as well. They will more willing to share compare to the previous and they would like to express their opinion because it became a habit when they are having the virtual communication with others. This happened especially in the Asian because normally Asian will think that they should that too direct because it will hurt others, but after they having virtual communication online, their perception will change. Next, we will talk about the negative impact which is people’s social or language skill will being diminished. Since people familiar to the virtual communication which is less require of social skills, people may lost their own social skill in the real life. Real life communication is different from the virtual communication, it require the social skill especially when you wants to know a stranger. The first step to know someone is very important in the real life because it decide whether can you proceed to next step or not in order to reach our purpose. Besides, virtual communication is just require people to type out the words, and people are usually using those ‘short form’ words to communicate, it will let people practiced as usual in real life especially teenagers. People in real life may just say out the short form word directly such as they will directly say out ‘ASAP’ instead of as soon as possible. Apart from this, there have another negative impact as well. The impact is people will reject the real life communication when they are prefer the virtual communication more than the real life communication. Due to the virtual communication do not require social skill and it is more easily for people to communicate with each others, people may like to use virtual world to communicate and over time, people may become antisocial in real life. When ones think that virtual communication is better than real life communication, they will tend to fully depend on virtual communication even those they can tell the person face-to-face. It can become a social problem in the society but not just the individual if the situation is too serious. As a conclusion, virtual communication brings impact to our real life in both positive and negative aspect. Virtual communication is bring a lot convenience to people in term of communication part, so people should appreciated it and use it wisely to avoid bring the negative consequences to our real life interactions. (776 words) Wednesday, November 17, 2010 @ 12:37 AM finally there's a one day holiday for us.yay =D its Hari raya Haji and its one day public holiday! super duper happy because i've been long time never have a good rest. assignments and homeworks killing us. uncountable tasks waiting for us to complete. so many tasks overlap together and i...i need some space to breathe! this semester ain't easy to go through. its an enjoyable semester actually,which i can try for many new stuffs but its tiring me down at the same time. lack of time,lack of sleep, lack of ideas. :( i wish i could overcome all the obstacles in my studies. i wish i could have a better time management. i wish everything will be going smoother in future time. we just too tired when we try our best to complete everything and the only feedback is REDO. GOD bless for all the best ♥ |